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April 2023
BNA National Encaenia and Exhibits Handling Day
Held in the Flett Lecture Theatre, Natural history Museum, London. Celebrate the presentation of BNA new grades and awards Handle a range of interesting specimens from the NHM Collections* Take a tour around the Waterhouse Building and look at the Historic Architecture* Take a guided tour around the Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity* and see what facilities are available for naturalists to use Listen to illustrated talks given by Eminent Naturalists *Subject to change and availability on the day…
Find out more »July 2023
BNA Weekend Workshop
At Brandon Marsh WildLife Trust nature reserve, Brandon Lane, Coventry, CV3 3GW. OS Map Reference: SP386 761 Take part in a range of activities led by experts. Learn how pollinators and flowers work together, find amazing structures such as plant galls, study specimens close-up using microscopes, identify moths caught on-site in a moth trap, and more. Brandon Marsh is a SSSI with meadows, small-leaf lime woodlands, wood pasture, scrub and other habitats. Come for a day or the whole weekend.…
Find out more »July Zoom Talk
Join in with the Zoom Meeting to here Roy Stewart FBNA give a talk on "Exoplanets: 5000 plus and counting" The meeting starts at 7.30pm, but you can join anytime from 7pm. Email for joining details honchairman.bna-naturalists@gmail.com
Find out more »August 2023
August Zoom Meeting
Join the Zoom meeting to here Tricia Moxey FBNA give a talk on "The Alluring Nature of some of our Pollinators" The meeting begins at 7.30pm, but you can join any time from 7pm. Email for joining details - honchairman.bnanaturalists@gmail.com
Find out more »June 2024
National AGM
Saturday 22nd June 2024, Via Zoom Portal at 2.15pm. This will be preceded with a PowerPoint talk starting at 1pm. Speaker to be confirmed. This is open to members and non-members, all notifications and details can be found on the website: bna-naturalists.org click on ‘about us’ then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the relevant links.
Find out more »August 2024
Members Field Day at the home of Gilbert White, Selborne
The day will involve a tour of the house and gardens, and the opportunity to do some identification and recording in the home of the ‘Father of Ecology’. There will also be an opportunity to test the beers which are made in Gilbert’s own brew house, one of which is made to one of his recipes from 1765! Tickets cost £12 per person (plus eventbrite fees) and can be purchased by clicking on this link:- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bna-members-visit-to-gilbert-whites-house-selborne-tickets-920133442897?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl For further information email…
Find out more »October 2024
National Encaenia and Exhibits Handling Day
Tickets for this event are no longer available This event will be held on October 5th, in the Flett Theatre at the Natural History Museum, London. In the morning there will be tours, and exhibits to look at and information stalls from Society for the History of Natural History and Linnean Society (TBC) and after lunch there will be the award and recognition encaenia, followed by to PowerPoint talks from guests (these will be confirmed nearer the date) There are…
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