Become Recognised as a Naturalist
The BNA is aware that the high standards of those who do study natural history and gain field skills, both professionally and keen amateurs, were not given proper recognition. To this end, the Association instituted graded membership on a three tier basis in order to formally reward and recognise specific levels of knowledge and achievement in the field of natural history. The Association encourages members to share their knowledge and, through its grading scheme, recognises the gaining of relevant field skills and expertise.
This stimulates naturalists to further develop their individual knowledge and will demonstrate to others that you believe in furthering the study of natural history in acquiring the necessary field skills to achieve this.
BNA Associate Member
ABNA for those members with a keen interest in natural history who after one year can show evidence that they have attended natural history lectures and taken part in sufficient field work.
BNA Registered Member
MBNA those naturalists that have established an expertise in the practice and understanding of natural history, and have become skilled and experienced in identification and other field skills, may gain recognition. Becoming a Registered Member carries with it the status of being a proven field naturalist; it is an acknowledgement of gaining a high standard of competence in natural history.
BNA Fellowship
FBNA gives recognition of significant expertise and standing in natural history. The holding of the academic standing (doctorate, and/or degree in relevant subjects) and relevant publications showing significant appropriate involvement for this level of membership plus evidence of significant field experience can lead to Fellowship. Very significant contributions in natural history field work and publications can lead to recognition as a Fellow.
To apply for recognition as an Associate (ABNA), Registered Member (MBNA) or Fellow (FBNA) of the British Naturalists’ Association. Application for the higher grades requires the support of appropriate natural history referees.
Grade leaflet may be downloaded HERE >> BNA tri fold leaflet 2024
Grade Guidance notes are also available HERE >> Membership Grade Notes
An application form may be downloaded HERE >> GRADE APPLICATION FORM
BNA Fellowship Honoris Causa
To promote due recognition of excellence in and study of natural history, the Trustees established a Fellowship Honoris Causa which is bestowed upon a strictly limited number of eminent naturalists of outstanding caliber. Recipients have included Sir David Attenborough, Chris Packham, Nick Baker, Professor Helen Roy and Professor Sarah Wanless.