Welcome to the page dedicated to Young Naturalists.

If you are interested in wildlife or nature and are under 18 years of age,

you can join the BNA here >>Young Nats Membership Renewal Form

Young Nats membership costs £7 per year, you will receive your “Welcome Pack” which includes a recent copy of the YN Newsletter,
an introductory magazine and a waterproof notebook & pencil for all those important nature sightings!

Young Nats Introductory Magazine

You will receive regular BNA publications and Newsletters specific to Young Naturalist’s,
these newsletters will be emailed to you so you can download and print them. (see the example below)

Young Nats Newsletter issue 20 – Summer 2023

Join the BNA as a Young Naturalist and work towards gaining recognition for your skills as a young naturalist.


The BNA Young Nats badge scheme is to encourage the development of young Naturalists.

Badges will be awarded to members who have shown writing skills and the ability to identify species of plants,
BNA Young Naturalist Badge

If you require any further information please contact the Chairman chairman@bna-naturalists.org

You can support the BNA by donating via this link Donate
Or scan the QR code

WILD YEAR – a year of wildlife from Nick Baker
Wild Year

The Green Necklace by Elizabeth Fowler


A BNA Picture Guide to Trees

A Pocketful of Butterflies

A Pocketful of Moths

A Pocketful of Garden Wildlife

A Pocketful of Wildlife Fact


Young Nats Spotter Sheet

Identifying Common Butterflies

Identifying Common Bees

Identifying Common Insects

Life on the Seashore

Identifying Coastal Birds

Coastal Flowers


Basic Guide to Identifying Fungi

Basic Guide to Common Caterpillars